pembagian industri bioteknologi berdasarkan eranya
"division of the biotechnology industry by era"
1. Era Pra-Pasteur
"1. Pre-Pasteur Era"
"• Improved fermentation technology by microorganisms, for example: alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, sake), cheese, yogurt, tempeh, oncom, pickles, etc."
• Ciri utama: memanfaatkan atau memanfaatkan mikroba untuk pengawetan dan atau pembuatan makanan atau minuman.
"• Main characteristics: utilizing or exploiting microbes for preservation and or the manufacture of food or beverages."
2. Era Pasteur
2. Pasteur's era
"• This era is a period of development of the fermentation industry."
• Di era ini kita bisa membuat etanol, butanol, asam organik, dan pengolahan air limbah.
"• In this era we can make ethanol, butanol, organic acids, and treatment of waste water."
3. Era Antibiotik
3. Antibiotic Era
• "Manufacture of penicillin, viral vaccines and animal cell culture technology."
4. Era Pasca Antibiotik
4. The Post-Antibiotic Era
•" Amino acids, DNA structure eludation, single cell proteins, enzymes for detergents, pharmaceutical products (interferon, hormones, vaccines), DNA recombinant technology."
5. Era Modern
5. Modern Era
•" Genetic engineering, monoclonal antibody substance, insulin hormone, tuna fish growth hormone. Or other additions:"
1. Keju, yoghurt, acar, asinan kubis, kecap, minuman beralkohol (bir, anggur, sake dll).
1. "Cheese, yoghurt, pickles, sauerkraut, soya sauce, alcoholic beverage ( beer,wine, sake etc)."
2. Bahan Pewarna (Angkak)
2."Colouring Material ( Angkak)"
3. Biosynthetic vanilin
4. Thickener ( Xanthan gum, microbial alginant,etc)
5. Solvents ( ethanol, acetone , etc)
6. Amino acids, enzymes, biosurfactant, etc
7. Flavor enhancer( MSG, Ribotide)
8. Arachidonic oil
9. Transgenic plants (GMO plants)
10. Antibiotic, Insulin, Interferon, Steroid
11. Vitamin ( B2,B12, c,etc.)
12. Vaccine (e.g Hepatitis B, influenza, Polio,Meningitis etc)
13. Food suplement ( Spirulina, Chlorella)
14. Indigenous technology : tempeh, tape , tauco
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